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Modern Slavery Statement

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Mansfields Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2023
We continue to learn more about the risks of Modern Slavery and take a zero-tolerance approach to the issue of modern slavery and human trafficking and seek to ensure all Mansfields staff are observant of any suspicious or concerning activity that may be linked to slavery or human trafficking.
Raising awareness throughout our business is important, and we do this through company inductions and refresher training for the entire workforce, and we support the Stronger Together campaign. Multi-language Stronger Together workplace posters are also placed in prominent positions throughout the business.
Training and checks
In 2023 we continued to be focussed on agency labour and preventing worker exploitation within our business including recruitment agencies. As part of our own recruitment process we ask specific questions, learnt from modern slavery training. We also audit our main GLAA licenced agency labour provider.
In March 2023 HR representatives have attended the Grower Seasonal Workers' Roadshow which is a joint effort between the members of the Food Network for Ethical Trading (FNET) the Association of Labour Providers, and Stronger Together.
Our Policies
Our Ethical Trade & Human Rights Policy is the key document that outlines the way we minimize the risk of exploitation in our business and what we do in the event that it is discovered. Our Ethical Trade & Human Rights Policy is supported by the policies which detail our internal good practices and procedures within our supply chain:
- Equality and Dignity at Work Policy - Mansfields believes that every employee has the right to be treated with equality, with dignity and respect in the workplace and is committed to providing a supportive working environment to foster such a culture.
- Anti-Bribery Policy - The purpose of this policy is to outline the rules that must be followed to ensure bribery does not occur within the Company.
- Recruitment and Selection Policy - Equality of Opportunity underpins all our policies, procedures and practices. Managers are empowered to make the key decisions in recruiting and selecting their teams and this procedure sets the standard required to recruit the best candidate for Mansfields.
- Whistleblowing Policy - Sets out the procedure by which individuals can report their concerns about suspicions of serious issues of malpractice to Mansfields if the normal channels of reporting have failed to address the issue or concern.
- Grievance Policy - applies to all employees regardless of seniority or status and will be applied consistently and in a non-discriminatory manner.
Our policies and procedures are in compliance with the ETI Base Code.
Stakeholder working groups
Mansfields are part of several Ethical Trading collaboration working groups, which in broad terms helps us accelerate learning and action. It is only through collaboration, that we can collectively learn and progress activity that helps tackle trafficking and slavery risk, in a joined-up manner.
Risk assessing globally
During 2023 we mapped out our supply chain for risk, at pack-houses, farms and agencies and although we have not discovered any cases of modern slavery to date, we continue to gather more information and raise awareness within our supply chain.
What will we do if we find modern slavery?
To date, we have not found, or been made aware of, any slavery or human trafficking incidents in our business or supply chain. However, key persons in management, are responsible for high- lighting any concerns or cases to the HR team. We will fully investigate any issue, and act promptly to engage the appropriate UK authorities.
In March 2024, HR representatives will attend the Grower Seasonal Workers' 2024 Roadshow which will be delivered by experienced practitioners from the ALP (Association of Labour Providers) and Stronger Together. The event will support grower good practice in recruiting and employing seasonal workers in order to reduce risks, safeguard their rights and enhance their on-farm experience. Also, in March 2024, a HR representative will attend Stronger Together workshop – Tackling Modern Slavery in UK Business.
This Statement has been reviewed and approved by the Senior Management Team of Mansfields on 31st May 2024. Overall responsibility for the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement belongs to Lee Port (CEO).
Lee Port
Chief Executive Officer