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Sustainability, Future Farming and Mansfields

At Mansfields we've always cared deeply about our impact on the planet and ensuring our farming practices are both sustainable and environmentally friendly. For us, the desire to be self-sufficient is in our DNA, and it shines through in our approach to managing energy, water and technology within the business.

The sun does more than ripen our fruit

We've invested heavily in the production of clean electricity, and what better way to do that than to further harness the natural power of the sun. Doing this has helped reduce our carbon footprint by 345,432kg each year, and our solar panels will keep efficiently generating the power we need to help run our farms for over 25 years.

Mansfields has the largest electricity generating capacity of any fresh fruit business in Kent, equivelent to 650 detached homes.


total electricity generating capacity at our farms

Water, water, everywhere

The best way to sustainably manage our water needs is to capture as much rainwater as possible. That's why Mansfields has invested in the construction of four reservoir sites, designed to provide a reliable supply of water for our crops.

Monitoring water usage and managing this precious resource is vital, which is why we use sophisticated monitoring systems to irrigate only when necessary. Probes constantly measure moisture in the soil and allow us to deliver water as and when, and where, it is needed.


of water in our reservoirs

Keeping it wild

With top quality produce directly linked to a strong, thriving ecosystem, protecting local biodiversity is hugely important to us.

Six bumblebee species have dwindling populations and three are categorised as ‘on the verge of extinction.’ The bumblebee plays a key role in pollinating the flowers that will produce our fruit. We're providing an increasing number of sanctuaries for bees, as well as other insects including butterflies, beetles and ladybirds.

Our commitment to local ecosystems doesn't stop there. Looking to protect and encourage a wide variety of wildlife, we are simultaneously protecting the existing habitats for birds and animals on our farms and actively creating new ones.


for bees pledged each year

Our eyes are always on the horizon

Advancements in farming technology continue apace, which is why we're constantly looking ahead to plan for future investments that will continue to keep Mansfields ahead of the competition - even if we don't know exactly what those investments will be yet. Our family strives to keep our Kent farms every bit as beautiful as the day we opened them, and to protect and enhance the surrounding environment to ensure that the picturesque Kent countryside can be enjoyed by all for many decades to come.




We're proud to work with the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, who have supported us with grant aid for the following projects:

2018 -  Norton Cherries LtdScheme (Growth Programme) - Stone fruit Optical Grading and packing development, within an existing building at Nickle farm. The grant help has funded the Optical Grader and packing equipment.

2018/19 - F W Mansfield & SonScheme (Growth Programme) Top fruit Packing Development - Installation of new Apple and Pear grader and packing lines within an existing building at Nickle Farm. The grant help has funded the Apple & Pear grader and packing lines.

2019 – F W Mansfield & SonScheme (Countryside Productivity Scheme) Collaborative Dynamic Controlled Storage - Construction of a new Controlled Atmosphere (DCA) store at Nickle Farm, The grant help has funded this DCA store.

2021 – F W Mansfield & Son Scheme (Growth Programme) Sustainable Fruit Packing - Construction of a new Controlled Atmosphere (DCA) store and new top fruit packing line at Nickle Farm, The grant help has funded this DCA store and packing line.